
Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2018, companiile Python Systems și QUARTZ Data Recovery au încheiat un parteneriat cu scopul de a-și uni eforturile pentru a oferire servicii premium de recuperare a datelor la prețuri competitive.

De la începutul anului, companiile și-au extins dotările tehnice, baza de piese de schimb, cunoștințele tehnice și au implementat aceasi grila de preturi.

Ca urmare a încheierii parteneriatului, serviciile de diagnosticare, evaluare și recuperare a datelor se desfășoară exclusiv în laboratorul de la sediul QUARTZ Data Recovery din str. Ghe. Țițeica Nr. 142. Primirea suporturilor de date defecte dar și recepționarea datelor recuperate se poate efectua atât la sediul Python Systems Com din str. Vladoianu nr. 48, cât și la sediul QUARTZ Data Recovery din str. Gheorghe Țițeica.

1. Consulting and Evaluation

In this step of the data recovery proces the client provides all the details and information available on the cause and fault symptoms as well as the type / structure of the data existing on the media

The importance of data to be recovered is determined and also the type (text files, images, databases, etc.).

Drive will receive a registration number after filling in the Python laboratory entry Form (Python internal form F37).

If you are not from Bucuresti, you can send the hdd to us by currier. Please wrap the hdd with antistatic bag, place it in a cardboard box and fill the gaps with packing peanuts.

Please don't forget to put your name, adress and phone number on the box and a note with necessary information inside (ex: the cause, how many partitions, email address, etc.) As the package reach us you will be contacted by phone or by email.

We are committed to keep privacy of personal data collected and in accordance with Romanian Law 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to processing of personal data and the free movement of such data;

After the evaluation, the storage media is taken into the data recovery lab and the customer is issued a service receipt;

  1. Consulting and Evaluation
  2. Diagnostic
  3. Data Recovery
  4. Delivery of Recovered Data and Support

Free diagnostic in 24 hours - No data, no charge

When you realise that a storage drive / unit is
malfunctioning or defective
first data recovery bulletCut the electric power immediately
data recovery bulletDo not restart the computer
data recovery bulletDo not install or reinstall software applications
data recovery bulletDo not hit, shake and do not dissasemble or clean the storage units
data recovery bulletDo not try to dry the wet units
data recovery bulletDo not power or to try to othervise intervene on the units
block bottom

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